Homeless Rights are Human Rights


30 July 2020 – Berlin Germany

This is an investigation on homelessness based on real life facts gathered by Mauro from the IMMPJ.


1. Introduction to Mauro’s homeless living situation

IMMPJ aims to prevent, reduce and end homelessness by using Mauro’s homelessness situation as a proven example that the system is unfair when it comes to getting support from the Jocenter with housing rights and developing prevention strategies to protect and secure the rights of the population.

2. Mission and Commitment

Homelessness is the evidence of failure for countries in providing basic security for their population. There are 1.6 billion people around the world living in inadequate shelter. It’s estimated that over 150 million people are homeless worldwide. There are over 650,000 homeless people living in Germany and 22,000 of those homeless human beings  are children. Since Covid-19 has struck, It’s been estimated that there will be a 20% increase on these figures.

The current German system makes it impossible for healthy and intelligent individuals  to escape from the homelessness, not to mention for a person with mental health disabilities, victims of domestic violence and alcohol or drug addictions. There is a systematic problem with the social system in Germany which is dividing its society even more and the issue is that the Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated that.

I’ve been gathering evidence and my mission is to show you all the videos about it because even if I try my best by following the law and getting support from charities and friends, there is no way out of being homeless in Germany. During this process, I’m committed to help other people such as myself to get out of homelessness and without an effective prevention system in every community, we will not be able to end homelessness but with your support, we are going to change that.

3. Investigation

This step of the investigation against the Jobcenter in Berlin comprises collecting Mauro’s personal data on all support payments he received from the Jobcenter and collecting more information on the reason a previous GoFundMe campaign organised in September 2019 to help Mauro overcome homelessness was considered by the Jobcenter as business income. Mauro is investigating how a homeless person can prevent and get out of homelessness with dignity and respect.

Investigation Step Questions Delivered to the Jobcenter in Mitte Berlin

1. Please provide all support payments done by all Jobcenters in Berlin to Mauro’s bank account from January 2019 to August 2020.


  • Jobcenter: No answer yet.
  • The law: Jobcenter must provide a copy of all history payments.

2. Please provide the European law that states that the GoFundMe campaign created to help Mauro overcome homelessness is considered a source of business income.


  • Jobcenter: No answer yet.
  • The law: A judge must decide if the GoFundMe campaign is classified as income. The workers at the Jobcenter don’t have the knowledge and rights to judge people on benefits.

3. Since the Covid-19 pandemic. What’s Mauro rights? What are all the support that Mauro should receive from the Jobcenter?


  • Jobcenter: It did not provide Mauro any support however because of a persistent complaint communication with the Jobcenter, Mauro received the support that he deserved.
  • The law: The German Federal Employment Agency provides unemployment benefits schemes designed to prevent people from permanently losing their jobs due to “unavoidable” events.

4. Since Mauro is studying German. Is Mauro under the European law qualified as a student? Does Mauro have student rights such as student accomodation support?


  • Jobcenter: No answer yet.
  • The law: No, language courses don’t give individuals student status. Undergraduates or master degrees, on the one hand would grant individuals student status at the Jobcenter.

5. On 20 of August 2020, Mauro will have no accommodation. Is there a temporary accomodation place where Mauro can stay until Mauro finds a long-term accommodation? How can the Jobcenter help and support Mauro to overcome homelessness?


  • Soziale Wohnhilfe: There may or may not be accomodation for individuals.
  • The law: The government should provide temporary accommodation for individuals.

6. Let’s suppose that Mauro is homeless, how can Mauro get support from the Jobcenter without a fixed home address?


  • Jobcenter: The Jobcenter refuses to support individuals without all documentations at hands.
  • The law: All social security systems should support and help individuals who have an identity card or passport on hands. 

7. What’s the anmeldung registration status of a homeless person?


  • Jobcenter: It will not help an individual without an anmeldung registration document.
  • The law: This topic needs more research as the issue is still uncertain as it stands. However, the only current possibility is to get support from a homeless charity therefore one can “try” to gain access to an anmeldung registration document.

8. How can Mauro as a homeless get support from the Jobcenter without a home address and without the anmeldung registration?


  • Jobcenter: The Jobcenter will not provide support.
  • The law: Jobcenter should help homeless individuals regardless of them having a home address or anmeldung registration document.

9. In case Mauro doesn’t have a bank account. How can Mauro get support from the Jobcenter?


  • Jobcenter: No answer yet.
  • The law: Social security system must provide support regardless of an individual having a bank account or not.

10. What’s the Jobcenter/Government homeless prevention system?


  • Jobcenter: There is not a prevention system into place
  • The law: On paper and under European Law, Germany has set some policies to prevent homelessness however they are not being used by the Jobcenter or Soziale Wohnhilfe.

Please provide Mauro the answer for this question for further assistance.

4. Application For The Social Housing Assistance  

September 2020, The Soziale Wohnhilfe in Mitte Berlin has no compassion towards human beings.

In an ideal world, we would expect the Soziale Wohnhilfe to provide people with kindness, empathy and some degree of psychological support however all what it offers is impoliteness, disrespect and lack of manners.

This investigation has already collected enough evidence that the Jobcenter & Soziale Wohnhilfe are broken systems which must go under rigorous scrutiny. 

There have been many individuals who are facing similar unfair issues with the Jobcenter & Soziale Wohnhilfe which this investigation is aiming to uncover. 

There is no homelessness prevention system at the Jobcenter & Soziale Wohnhilfe, moreover both entities are using illegal tactics to delay, reduce and or deny social security benefits to legally qualified individuals.

October 2020, Mauro found a temporarily accommodation solution at a Buddhist temple where he is sleeping at the Lama’s Lounge Kitchen in Berlin until 31 of March. 

The Jobcenter & Soziale Wohnhilfe refused to support Mauro’s social security applications, proving that both government organisations are breaking his social, civil, and human rights.

5. Senate Administration For Integration, Work And Social Affairs

February 2021, Mauro requested the Senate administration for integration, work and social affairs to reopen previous applications sent to the Jobcenter & Soziale Wohnhilfe, requesting urgent social security support. 

Mauro’s temporary accommodation needs to be vacant on 21 of March because the Buddhist temple normal activities restart again. Since Mauro is sleeping at a temporarily kitchen room at the Buddhist temple, he needs the Senate administration for integration, work and social affairs support to find justice for his case.

This application requests social assistance for housing, health insurance and cost-of-living maintenance based on the ground that since September 2020, Mauro has been officially homeless, living in temporary accommodation in a kitchen room at a Buddhist temple.

Mauro is seeking urgent help and support from the Senate administration for integration, work and social affairs.

This case is connect with the Jobcenter is responsible for the homeless crisis in Berlin: https://www.immpj.com/jobcenter-responsible-for-homeless-crisis


You’re welcome to contribute on edits to this policy and share it with your network. If you don’t want to include your name, please consider writing your initials. By writing your name, you consent to having your name visible as one of the policy makers for this cause. You can send it to hello@immpj.com and we can add it to the website.


  1.  “As Cities Grow, So do the Numbers of Homeless | YaleGlobal Online”
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_population#cite_note-1
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitat_for_Humanity 
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_population#cite_note-1 
  5. https://population.un.org/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2017_DataBooklet.pdf
  6. https://www.dw.com/en/homelessness-on-the-rise-in-germany-study/a-49797702
  7. https://www.dw.com/en/germany-passes-coronavirus-aid-package-for-workers/a-53213509
  8. https://www.whitecase.com/publications/alert/covid-19-german-government-financial-assistance-measures
  9. https://www.feantsa.org/download/article-31841217355845842446.pdf

Published on: 02.02.2021

  • Initial Notice: we will add more information daily on this report. Once we conclude the report, there will be a “Final Notice” notification at the end of this report, telling you it’s ready for the full investigation.

To be continued…

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