Letter Report to the German Parliament, EU Parliament & Ing Bank
From January 2020 to May 2020, I noticed that some money coming into my ING Bank account was appearing and disappearing from the current account.
I contacted ING-Diba AG Bank, reported the issue and requested a bank statement excel spreadsheet from the beginning of all times however the bank refused to provide me this important excel spreadsheet.
Since I have an economics and business degree, using a proper bank statement excel spreadsheet would allow me to easily calculate all income cash inflow, followed by deducting all cash outflow expenditure which would show me the root cause of this untransparent cash flow issue.
ING-Diba AG Bank refused to provide me with such important analytical data. Instead, they restricted me by forcing me to use a PDF format, restricting me to go back to only one-year period time.
This is enough evidence that ING-Diba AG Bank is breaking transparency law, which is linked to the principle of democracy, which is written in the Article 6 of the Treaty of the European Union. The EU law is relevant, giving the rights of access to all past times bank account documents. The Amsterdam Treaty gives right to consumers of access to previous bank documents in a transparent to read formatting. The Treaty of Functioning of the EU has extended both the personal scope of the right of access to documents, including all private or public EU Banks.
Since Mauro requested ING-Diba AG Bank and the Jobcenters in Berlin for past income cash flow verification and no data was provided to Mauro in order to effectively investigate if the income flow in his account was being correctly done by the Jobcenter and ING-Diba AG Bank.
Since Mauro has been protecting himself against a white supremacist mafia in Berlin. Mauro concludes that there is a coalition in which the Jobcenter and staff from ING-Diba AG Bank are forced in order to take illegal deductible financial actions Mauro.
The German government needs to look into this matter seriously because it’s clearly a fascist, nazi and white supremacist strategy against the BIPOCA communities.
Published on: 09.02.2021
Final Notice: This report has been concluded and it’s ready for the full investigation.