Jobcenters in Berlin are using illegal manipulative barriers to trick people out of benefits to cut down cost
This report proves that the Jobcenters are directly responsible for the homeless crises which we are experiencing in Berlin. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, there is a spark on the numbers of vulnerable individuals who are not getting the support from the government which they deserve.
The Jobcenters target to cut costs at the cost of vulnerable people in society is a humanitarian crisis. The Jobcenters employees are tricking the customers by applying excessive bureaucracy, confusion, excessive delay, lost documents, changing supervisor, not replying to important emails or letter messages, using non applied laws during COVID-19, xenophobic attack, laughing, racisms and discrimination.
The system has been intentionally set not to help individuals to find sustainable employment. It’s the Jobcenters job to prepare and help individuals to find work. If the Jobcenter’s focus is on creating barriers to trick individuals into not looking for work, then that’s the final evidence in which the current system in place has failed.
Mauro’s report should be used in order to create legislative procedures against the Jobcenters which will find and terminate employment of the current evil, miserable and destructive employees as well as train and educate new Jobcenter’s employees in a way that the Jobcenter is prepared to guide, train and help people to find sustainable employment.
With such a productive system, everyone wins because there will be no homeless people out on the streets, people will be employed which contributes to the tax revenue system and most importantly no one is left behind creating a society that truly follows the European Human rights.
This Case Begins From January 2019
Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
In January 2019, suffering intensive domestic violence abuse, Mauro moved out from ex partner apartment and visited the Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, seeking for help and advice on how to receive social security support from the government in order to exit from domestic abuse.
The Jobcenter, with no legal grounds, refused Mauro’s application. However, Mauro kept on fighting for justice, calling friends who went to the Jobcenter with Mauro, explaining that it was Mauro’s right to receive support from the government however all attempts to find a solution to the matter were denied by the Jobcenter.
Mauro had no means to survive because his ex-partner stole 6,500 euros from him, making an exit from domestic violence abuse impossible. Mauro’s ex-partner told him that if he left the relationship, the Jobcenter would not support Mauro’s social security application. For that matter, Mauro had to return to domestic abuse with his ex-partner in order to survive.
What makes this case interesting is that as soon as Mauro returned to his ex-partner apartment, Mauro and his ex-partner went to the Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and the Jobcenter immediately approved Mauro’s social security benefit application. That is the evidence that Mauro’s ex partner has influence over the decision making at the Jobcenter, which validates that Mauro has been targeted by an organised crime mafia group in Berlin. Dr Silvio Sen Gupta is a member of that mafia, Silvio who owns Orthopaädische Praxis Am Treptower Park. That criminal is Mauro’s ex-partner and Dr Silvio Sen Gupta and his mafia are trying to destroy Mauro’s life in Berlin.
You can read more about the domestic violence crimes on:
It’s important to point out that Mauro only got support from the Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf two months after he made his initial application in January. There were many visits to the Jobcenter, there were calls and letters sent to the Jobcenter which proves that the system is broken when it comes to protecting people in need of protection, support and guidance.
After talking to a lot of heartless people at the Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdor, somehow Mauro found a lovely and kind lady called Frau T who gave Mauro life saving advice which helped Mauro to safely exit from his ex-partner apartment. She followed up on Mauro’s case, called people, and deeply tried to help Mauro out. It goes to show that there are good people out there, but it’s hard to find them as the system is full of white supremacists.
Jobcenter in Mitte
October 2019 was a partial break through for Mauro because he found a way to move out from his ex partner’s apartment. That itself was a great relief, but there were many more unknown challenges ahead of him.
The Jobcenters in Berlin have a ‘’transfer proceeding technique’’ which is essentially an illegal barrier in order to cause harm, delay and manipulate the lives of the applicants. For example, Mauro had to move from Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf to Mitte in Berlin. That moving process requires Mauro to initiate a new Jobcenter application at the Jobcenter in Mitte.
The Jobcenter in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf promised Mauro that there would be no problem during the ‘’transfer proceeding technique’’ to the Jobcenter in Mitte however there were a lot of problems with that transfer proceedings which is more evidence that the Jobcenters are breaking to European social security laws.
Even knowing that Mauro had just escaped from domestic violence abuse, the Jobcenter in Mitte declined Mauro’s social security application, leaving Mauro unprotected and even more vulnerable.
The Jobcenter in Mitte used these cruel tactics; laughing and telling Mauro to go back to where he comes from, not answering important questions, avoiding sending letter with the underlying problem in written, changing the person responsible for the case multiple times, booking appointments and no person with knowledge of the case was present, lost documents and refused to repeat difficult terms in German, discriminated, asked homophobic questions and jokes, gathered in groups in order to intimidate and make a statement to deny support.
November 2019, since the Jobcenters betrayed Mauro by not providing important and crucial support, Mauro had to create a GoFundMe campaign, asking for support from friends in order to survive and pay for a deposit for the accommodation in Berlin. The campaign was successful, and it raised 2,030 euros however the Jobcenter claimed that the GoFundMe campaign was classified as income, creating even more problem, leaving Mauro with no opportunity to restart his life with dignity. The GoFundMe campaign was not income, and Mauro will have to return this money to his friends in the future. The Jobcenter illegally claimed that the GoFundMe campaign was income to deny even further social security support to Mauro.
In December 2019, luckily Mauro found a mini-job at a coffee shop and slowly he was getting back on track with his life. Mauro kept on demanding the Jobcenter to review its decision, and only after 4 months of applying for social security, Mauro was partially granted support. In other words, the matter with the GoFundMe campaign was overlooked by the Jobcenter.
Once again, Mauro had to cope with another unexpected crisis. From May 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mauro working hours at the coffee shop decreased to a point where he had no working hours anymore. Meanwhile, Mauro attended various charity organisations that helped him with social security advice. Mauro was told by the social workers that due the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany guaranteed support for mini-jobs, part time or unemployed individuals for the period of two years. The problem is that the Jobcenter in Mitte rather reduced Mauro’s support and refused to follow the national German social security support during the pandemic.
On the top of the pandemic, Mauro’s landlord/flatmate believed COVID-19 virus was a hoax, saying that the pandemic was fabricated to control the population. The individual refused practicing social distance, engaged in illegal house parties, increased alcohol consumption and decreased personal hygiene. During that time, Mauro was sexually harassed and stalked on by that individual.
There was an application at the Sozialwohnung Hilfe, asking for emergency temporary accommodation for Mauro, which was declined by the Sozialwohnung Hilfe. One more time, Mauro’s life was at risk. In September 2020, Mauro was nearly homeless because the Sozialwohnung Hilfe illegally refused to provide Mauro with temporary accommodation. It was Mauro’s fundamental human rights to be provided with temporary accommodation, proving that the Jobcenter and Sozialwohnung Hilfe have no regard for the social security law that has been put in place to protect the population.
Fortunately, Mauro found a homeless charity in Berlin who provided life saving support and guidance to overcome homelessness. Frau B and Frau G from that homeless charity were kind, and they successfully helped Mauro to find temporary accommodation at a Buddhist temple in Berlin.
Read more about the homeless rights are human policy on:
Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Temporary Accommodation at Buddhist Temple
Mauro is buddhist himself, finding temporary accommodation at the Buddhist Temple was a great relief for him. It was a dream coming true because he always wished to live in a Buddhist Temple. On the top of that, everyone from the temple is kind, peaceful, respectful and generally worried about his future in Berlin.
That’s a special thanks to Frau M and Frau B who believed in Mauro, allowing him to stay at the temple. He has promised Frau M that he will not let her down therefore Mauro is working really hard to find a solution for his homeless issue.
Living at the temporary accommodation at the Buddhist temple has saved Mauro from being homeless. So many people have helped Mauro to get where he is right now however Mauro believes that it’s time for the government to be responsible and support Mauro’s Jobcentre application.
It’s noting that since Mauro moved from the Jobcenter in Mitte to the Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in temporary accommodation at Buddhist Temple, he knew that he would have to deal with the illegal ‘’transfer proceeding technique’’ used by the Jobcenters in Berlin. Mauro had help from a social worker who supported him by carefully preparing all the documents in a chronological order and sending all these documents required by social security law to the Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.
On 24 September 2020, Mauro sent a copy of his application via email and he personally delivered another identical application letter to the Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg letter box. Mauro was extremely careful with this process, knowing that the Jobcenter would try to refuse his application regardless of the level of organization applied to the case. This process ensured that no documents would be lost in the process however two weeks later, Mauro got no response from the Jobcenter therefore he called the Jobcenter. The Employee told Mauro that they did not receive any application. Mauro remained calm and repeated the same process one more time, and finally the Jobcenter received Mauro’s application. That’s another evidence that the Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is committing a crime against vulnerable individuals during a health crisis pandemic.
This is evidence that the Jobcenter is illegally delaying applicants’ applications. It’s important to point out that Mauro is in temporary accommodation, trying to escape from homelessness and that is unprofessional, illegal and cruel behaviour at the Jobcenters’ employees. These evil people have no regard for human life and these destructive systems need to be stopped as soon as possible.
After all of that, the Jobcenter kept Mauro’s application on hold for 6 weeks. Then the Jobcenter requested documents that the government said that were not needed during the covid-19 pandemic. The Jobcenter broke all the government’s guidelines and instructions, with no legal grounds under the covid-19 pandemic because the Jobcenter is trying to rely on laws that are not effective in times of a health crisis pandemic. In other words, the Jobcenter is using illegal tactics, refusing social security support for vulnerable individuals.
Mauro did appeal the decision many times via email or via the phone. The employees hung up the phone and laughed at Mauro. The Jobcenter kept requesting documents after documents. The problem is that the Jobcenter fabricated names of documents in order to confuse and deceive Mauro however he contacted his German friend who together called the Jobcenter and all of the sudden there was no need for those ‘’mysterious documents’’, proving that Jobcenter in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is commiting a crime.
From November 2020 until this date, Mauro has had no support from the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, leaving Mauro in an extremely difficult situation at the Temporary accommodation with him with no means to pay on time his rent, bills or buy weekly food items.
Policy and Legal Proceedings Demanding Social Change
We demand social change by creating a law that eliminates the ‘’transfer proceeding technique’’. In other words, the government must create legislation that prevents the Jobcenters from using such destructive techniques. Applicants must be able to change Jobcenters location without extra bureaucracy.
GoFundMe campaign; It’s important that a designated Judge analysed this matter in order to read the evidence and overturn the Jobcenter decision by fixing and finding the legal solution for this matter. The GoFundMe campaign is not income, it’s created to help individuals to overcome life crises such as homelessness. The Jobcenter has no legal grounds to claim the GoFundMe as income. We demand social change that creates a law that stops the Jobcenter from claiming GoFundMe campaigns as an income source type.
During health crisis pandemics such as the COVID-19, the government must enforce the Jobcenters to take 48 hours to immediately support all vulnerable people in need of urgent help with standard documents authentication. The government must provide a fair template initial application format that all applicants and Jobcenter can look at and use as a template. Once the individual is safe and protected, the Jobcenter can request further documents however the security and safety of each individual must be the Jobcenters’ first priority.
If a Jobcenter employee is convicted of wrongdoing at any time or during a health crisis pandemic such as delaying, refusing or strategically make it impossible to help a vulnerable individual, discrimination, racisms or any illegal acts, the employee must be laid off immediately to ensure that the population is protected and safe from evil forces.
The entire case needs to be analyzed carefully by a designed Judge and the parliament. all Mauro’s findings need to be investigated in order to ensure that the population is protected and that none is left behind.
Time For Protest, We Need To Stop These Criminals
Mauro is ready to initiate protests and start legal proceedings against the Jobcenters, demanding a full analysis of the injustices caused by the Jobcenters.
There have been a lot of injustices and Mauro needs your support. We are looking for individuals who want to help with German translation and initiate protests against the Jobcenters in Berlin.
Please get in touch if you have good intentions at heart. We need to create a team of warriors who are willing to create a community that will fight against white supremacists. After all, Black Lives Matter and the BIPOCA community need to be heard, protected and respected in Germany.
Get in touch on or
Published on: 13.01.2021
Final Notice: This report has been concluded and it’s ready for the full investigation.
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